Customize System Skills behavior

Customize System Skills behavior

Luma Virtual Agent (Luma VA) allows Tenant Administrators and Developers to customize the user experience based on user intent. This is achieved by configuring a list of skills for each persona that should appear as recommendations after System skills are executed or certain events such as Fallback, Attribute Validation, Abort, etc., occur. These are called Suggested skills and are used to highlight the capabilities of your bot.

Suggested Skills are used to highlight the capabilities of your bot. When a system skill is triggered, these skill recommendations ensure that the end-user is aware of the specialized tasks the Bot can perform. Besides the list of skill suggestions for each persona in Luma VA, you can also customize the bot responses, display order, and display type for these skills.

Configure Suggested Skills

As a Tenant administrator, you can customize Suggested Skills for the various personas available in Luma, such as Default Administrator, End Users, Support Agents, etc., and set the display order in which the suggestions should appear.

Navigate to Configurations under the Bot menu. On the configuration page, select the Suggested Skills tab.

Following are the System Skills or events for which you configure Skill Suggestions.

  1. Welcome'/'What can you do: In this section, you can define the set of skills presented as suggestions to end-users after the ‘Welcome’ skill or ‘What can you do’ skill is triggered. The set of skills is also displayed upon completion or termination of a user conversation with the Support Agent.

  2. Fallback: The Fallback process is triggered when Luma does not identify any skill based on the user's phrase. For more information on the Fallback process, refer article NLP Settings. In this section, you can configure the number of consecutive fallback attempts before the Luma Virtual Agent presents suggested skills to the end-user. You can customize the skills to be suggested for users based on their default groups in Luma Virtual Agent if a fallback is detected.

  3. Abort/Exit: When users do not wish to continue the conversation with Bot or Support Agent, they can use the Abort or Exit command configured for their bot. Refer to Configure System Skills and Small Talk for more information. In this section, you can configure a list of Suggested skills when the user exits a conversation using the Abort/Exit command.

  4. Attribute Validation: In this section, you can define the number of attempts for the attribute validation before Luma Virtual Agent presents skill suggestions. The ‘Number of attempts’ defined here is the maximum number of times Virtual Agent prompts the user to provide information to validate attribute input. Once the defined attempts are exhausted, the suggested skills are displayed to the end-users. You can customize the skills to be suggested for users based on their default groups in Luma Virtual Agent.

  5. Transfer to Agent: Here, you can define the skill suggestions to be displayed when an end-user requests Transfer to Agent but select an Offline Support group to talk to. You can customize the skills to be suggested for users based on their default groups in Luma Virtual Agent.

  6. Didn't find it useful: In this section, you can configure the list of skills to be suggested when the end-user does not find any of the recommended services or knowledge useful. You can customize the skills to be presented to users based on their default groups in Luma Virtual Agent.

To configure Suggested Skills, follow the below steps:

  1. Select the required System skill or event.

  2. Select a user group in Groups. This signifies the user role or user group to which the Skill suggestions should be presented. You may select a Default group or a custom user group.

  3. Add Message in Bot Responses. The message is prompted before Skill Suggestions are displayed.

  4. Select Display Order. This is the order in which skills are displayed in conversation.

    1. Name [A-Z]: This is the default displayed order applied on the Skill list. It sorts the Skills by name in ascending order (A-Z).

    2. Name [Z-A]: Sorts the Skills by name in descending order (Z-A).

    3. By Popularity: Sorts the skills by popularity, i.e., most executed skill.

    4. Last Updated On: Sorts skills by Last updated date

    5. Custom: This allows the administrator to create a customized list. Select Custom to add suggested skills and set display sequence manually.

  5. Select Display Type. This defines if the suggestion is to be visible as Cards or Quick Replies. The display type is set to Cards by default.

  6. Select Display Count. This defines the count of skills that can be added as suggestions for the group. Up to 50 skills can be added as Suggested skills. This is set to 5 by default.

  7. Based on the Display order, the Skill list is defined.

    1. For all Display Orders (except Custom), the skill list is automatically populated and cannot be changed.

    2. For Custom, select the required skills in the Select Skill dropdown, one by one, and build a suggested skill list. Drag and move to set the display sequence.

  8. Additional configurations for specific system skills:

    1. For Welcome/What can you do, specify Bot Response when there is no skill created or permitted and Bot Response when there are no skills to suggest.

    2. For Fallback, define the Number of Fallback Attempts. It is the number of consecutive fallback attempts before the Luma Virtual Agent presents suggested skills to the end-user.

    3. For Attribute Validation, define the Number of Attempts. Set the number of attempts by Virtual Agent to get information from the end-user to validate attribute input.

  9. Click on Save.

Suggested skills will be added to the selected user role. Following the above steps, add skill suggestions for the remaining default groups in Luma VA.

  • Only active skills marked as ‘Display as Suggested skills’ can be listed under suggested skills.

  • When a suggested skill is made inactive,

    • It stops appearing in recommendations for the end-user.

    • On the Suggested Skills page, if the Display order is Custom, the inactive skill continues to appear in the list in the inactive state. For all other Display orders, it stops appearing in the configured Suggested skill list.

  • A maximum of 50 skills can be added as Suggested skills.

  • A skill can only be added to Skill Suggestions for a default group if the group has permission to execute the skill.

  • Suggested skills cannot be added to the Public group.

  • All Display Orders (except Custom) are dynamic. The skill suggestions will update automatically with the latest data in your Tenant. Skills cannot be manually added.

  • In case more than 10 Skill suggestions are configured and Display type is Quick Replies, system automatically converts the display to Cards and skills are displayed as group of buttons. For MS Teams, the skills are displayed as set of 6 buttons. For Web Widget and Test Widget, the skills are displayed as set of 5 buttons.

Inherit Suggested Skills

Instead of configuring Skill Suggestions for each category and Default Group, you configure your bot to inherit the skill recommendations from the 'Welcome/What can you do' sections. On inheriting Suggested Skills, the Skill configurations from the Welcome category are automatically assigned to the Default groups in the selected Category. However, you can override the skill suggestions by adding configuration.

To inherit configurations, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the required System Skill Tab, i.e. Fallback, Transfer to Agent, Abort/Exit.

  2. Select Inherit Configurations From Welcome.

  3. Click on Save.

Once Inherited, the configurations from the 'Welcome/What can you do' section are applied to the default groups in the selected category. The configurations are applied only to the default groups. Click on the Groups list to view the groups with Suggest Skill configurations. Skill Suggestions are presented only for the groups that appear as “Configured“ in the list.

  • Skill Suggestions are inherited and applied to the Default Groups (except the Anonymous group). For Anonymous users and the Custom User groups, the Administrator should configure the Skill suggestions manually.

  • Administrators can override the inherited configurations by manually selecting a new list of skills at the group level. The inherited configurations are used only for the groups that do not have manual suggestions configured. Refer Update Suggested Skills for more information.

Update (Add/Remove) Suggested Skills

Suggest Skills Display Orders (except Custom) are dynamic. Skill Suggestions are refreshed based on the latest data available in the bot. For example, when the Display order is set to Name[A-Z] and Display count is set to 5, the top 5 skills (marked as Display in Suggest Skills) are automatically available as Suggested skills. This skill list is dynamically populated and cannot be manually updated.

Additionally, the skill suggestions are inherited from Welcome skills, by default. As an administrator, you can update the default or inherited configurations and customize the user experience as required. You may Update, Remove or Unconfigure the Suggest Skills for specific Default groups and System Skills.

Manual Suggest Skill configurations at the Group level take precedence over the inherited skill configurations.

Add new skills to Suggested Skills

To update the list of skills, follow the below steps to update Suggested Skill List:

  1. Navigate to Bot Configurations → Suggested skills tab.

  2. Go to the required System Skill Tab, i.e., Welcome/What can you do, Fallback or Abort/Exit.

  3. Select the Default group.

  4. Set Display order to Custom. 'Select the skill’ field appears.

  5. Select the required skills one by one and build a suggested skill list.

  6. Drag and drop to update the sequence of the skills.

  7. Click Save.

Suggested Skills will be updated. The updated lists will be available as an option for new conversations.

Remove Skills from Suggested Skills

If the Administrator wants to remove one of the skills from the recommendation list displayed to the end-user, the skill must be removed from the Suggested Skill list. Follow the below steps to remove the Suggested Skill:

For Custom Display Order:

On the Bot Configurations → Suggested skills tab:

  1. Select the required tab such as Welcome/What can you do, Fallback, or Abort/Exit.

  2. Select the user role in Groups.

  3. The configured skills are populated in the Skill Suggestion list.

  4. On the required skills, click on the delete button.

  5. Click Save.

For the Custom Display order, the skill should be removed from the Suggested Skill list for each Group (user role).

For Other Display Orders:

To remove a skill as Suggested Skills, follow the below steps:

  1. On the Skill Builder screen, Search for the skill:

    1. Enter the NameIdentifierCategory, or Published Status in the search box and press Enter.

    2. The skills matching the search criteria appear in the list.

    3. Click on the required skill. You will be navigated to the Skill details screen.

  2. Click Edit Skill.

  3. In the ‘Invocation type' section, uncheck 'Display in Suggested Skills.’

  4. Click Save.

All Display Orders (except Custom) are dynamic. Once 'Display in Suggested Skills’ is unchecked for a skill, it will be automatically removed from the Suggested skill list for all groups in your Tenant.

The Skill is now removed from the ‘Suggested Skill' list.

Unconfigure Suggested Skills

If you do not wish to display any Skill suggestions for a group, you can Unconfigure the Suggest Skills. This removes the skill configuration for the selected group. The configurations for the other groups retained as-is. To so do:

  1. Navigate to the required System Skill on the Bot Configurations → Suggested skills tab.

  2. Select the required Group.

  3. Click on Unconfigure.

  4. On the confirmation pop-up, click OK to remove the existing configurations.

  5. Click on Save to save the changes.

Suggest skill configurations are removed for the selected group.

Even if the selected category is set to inherit Skill Suggestions from Welcome, once unconfigured for a group, skill recommendations are not presented to the end-user.

Export Suggested Skills

Suggested Skill configurations can also be exported from one bot and imported into another bot so that the same configurations can be used instead of recreating new ones. Export-Import feature allows Administrators to copy the configurations and Skill definitions from the source bot to the target bot without the need to manually configure the suggestions.

Refer to Bot Export and Import to copy the Skill suggestions.

Upon Exporting the Skill Suggestions:

  1. Skill Suggestions for the Default as well as the Custom user groups are exported

  2. Complete Definition of skills configured as Suggest Skill (with related entities) is exported.

  3. Custom User Groups and associated Users are NOT exported.

The Skill Suggestions are exported into a zip file, which can then be imported into your Bot.

When Importing the Skill Suggestions:

  1. Along with the Skill Suggestion configuration, Skill definitions and related entities are also created in the target bot.

  2. If the custom user group exists in the target, then the suggestion configuration is updated based on existing and new configurations.

  3. In case the custom user group does not exist in the target bot, the Suggest skill configuration is NOT imported.


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